LGU Bayambang’s Rural Health Units, in partnership with the Philippine Red Cross Pangasinan Chapter, conducted a mass blood donation drive on October 30 at the Balon Bayambang Events Center with the theme “Give Blood, Give Now, Give Often.”
The activity aimed to provide safe blood to local patients in need of blood, particularly those suffering from life-threatening conditions and those undergoing difficult surgical and medical procedures.
Susana T. Sison, RHU I’s CBMBD Blood Assistant Coordinator said, “We believe that a blood service that gives patients access to safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system, so help us promote regular blood donation as a way of life to our youth.”
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The RHU-Red Cross blood drive originally targeted collecting at least 100 units of safe blood, but according to Municipal Health Officer Dr. Paz Vallo, they were able to surpass that, with 125 screened donors out of the 220 who attempted to donate.
“This is the first time we were able to attract donors this many, thanks to social media,” she said.