In line with the celebration of National Disaster Resilience Month, MDRRMO Bayambang conducted a Basic First Aid Training on July 8, 2017 at Tococ National High School for 18 schools in the first district.
MDRRMO Head Genevieve U. Benebe said a total of 18 schools participated in the morning and afternoon sessions of the training. All in all, there were 89 participants who graduated in the program, she added.
The participating schools are as follows: Bayambang, Tanolong, Tococ, and Hermosa National High School, Pangasinan State University Laboratory High School, and Mother Goose for high schoolers, Beleng, Bical, Bongato East, Nalsian, Sapang, and Tococ Elementary School for grade 6 students, and Nalsian, Langiran, Balaybuaya, Tanolong, Bani, Tococ, and Tamaro Elementary School and Bayambang I for Grade 4 and 5 students. (Photos courtesy of MDRRMO)
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