Municipal Gender-Responsive SWD Plan 2021-2028

Bayambang’s Municipal Gender-Responsive Social Welfare and Development Plan 2021-2028, Drafted

The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office under OIC Kimberly Basco organized the third phase of MSWDO’s Strategic GAD Planning-Workshop held in Kabaleyan Resort, San Carlos City, on Dec. 16-17, 2019, together with representatives from the LGU departments and other stakeholders

Under the direction of Ryan F. Barcelo, the participants prepared Bayambang’s Municipal Gender-Responsive Social Welfare and Development Plan 2021-2028 through the collective crafting of objectives, performance indicators and targets, and evaluation.

According to the Philippine Commission on Women, GAD or Gender and Development is a “development perspective that recognizes the different roles, interests and needs of women and men.” “It reflects a change in focus from women and their exclusion from development initiatives to the relations of inequality between women and men.”

GAD “sharpens the focus of development on people, enhances capacities of women and men to contribute to the attainment of development goals, and reduces social inequities that stem from unequal gender relations.”


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