There used to be 5S’s, but now that the practice has been updated to 7S’s, the Human Resources Management Office likewise had to keep up with the times by organizing for LGU employees a new updated seminar.
The 7S’s of Good Housekeeping was held on October 10 at the Balon Bayambang Events Center, with all departments, units, and agencies well represented. (Yes, there are LGU employees detailed in various locally based national agencies.) Productivity Toolbox Trainer Ben A. Donglayan of the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (San Fernando City, La Union) was tapped to lecture on 7S’s.
The seminar, of course, aims to instill among employees a greater sense of cleanliness, orderliness, and positive workplace attitude in order to deliver a more effective and efficient service to the public. As HRMO head Nora Zafra puts it, “The seminar is intended to give employees knowledge on how to make their workplace cleaner and safer and and their job simpler and more satisfying.”
According to Donglayan, the 7S’s are:
1. Sort – Identifying and eliminating unnecessary items in the workplace
2. Systematize – Arranging necessary items in good order for use
3. Sweep – Cleaning your workplace and equipment
4. Standardize – Maintaining a high standard of good housekeeping
5. Safety – Maintaining a safe workplace
6. Self-discipline -Doing things spontaneously without being told or ordered
7. Sustain – Continuing 7s activities in order to achieve consistently good results
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