BPRP Team consults Bani folk

The Bayambang Poverty Reduction Action Team (BPRAT) conducted a Consultative Meeting in Bani’s Barangay Hall on August 3 to introduce the Quiambao-Sabangan administration’s Bayambang Poverty Reduction Plan for 2018-2028 and to discuss the current poverty situation in Bayambang as a way of convincing the people of the barangay that the problem of poverty exists and needs to be urgently addressed.

BPRAT’s head, Atty. Rodelynn Rajini Sagarino, who is now the Municipal Administrator tasked with focusing on and coordinating all anti-poverty measures of the LGU, thoroughly explained the Revolution Against Poverty that the administration launched. She also facilitated the open forum where the participants were asked about their concerns and suggestions as to the kind of livelihood programs they would like to engage in.

According to Community Affairs Officer Valentine Garcia, the audience, composed of Punong Barangay (and ABC President) Rodelito Bautista, Bani Barangay Council members, Bani SK Chairman, and 4Ps members, were very participative and attentive. Among the concerns brought up, Garcia said, include the problem of schoolchildren frequenting computer shops instead of studying, how middlemen eat into the farmers’ income, and the lack of accessible livelihood/skills training programs.

Brgy. Bani belongs to the top 10 priority areas of the BPRP because it belongs to the list of barangays with the highest number of poor households, according to the Community-Based Monitoring System, Garcia pointed out. “This is the first meeting in a series of consultative meetings slated for other similarly situated barangays such as Sanlibo, San Vicente, Tanolong, Hermoza, Sancagulis, Buayaen, and San Gabriel 2nd,” she added.

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