Seminar on Dieting Held in Pantol

RHU 1 and the Nutrition Office gave a free Seminar on Dieting at the Barangay Pantol Evacuation Center on July 14 for the benefit of patients with diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Municipal Health Officer Dr. Paz F. Vallo spoke in front of 50 senior citizens and discussed to them the signs and symptoms of hypertension, maintenance drugs for the condition, and diet fitting for hypertensive patients, among other topics.

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The attendees also availed of free medical consultations, blood pressure monitoring, prescription drugs and multivitamins, and lipid profile tests.

Assisting in the seminar were RHU1 Nurse Eurika Fernandez, Nutrition staff Princess Martinez, and RHU1 Laboratory staff Leizl Cancino.

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