UPLB Tests Drought-Prone Lowland Rice Varieties

The University of the Philippines at Los Baños has started to implement its rice farm testing project called National Multi-Environment Testing of Drought-Prone Direct-Seeded Rainfed Lowland Rice Lines, with the farms at Brgy. Ligue as trial site in Bayambang on June 18, 2019.

According to the Municipal Agriculture Office, which has assisted UPLB, the project aims to test 100 rice varities.

Among the collaborating agencies are the Department of Agriculture (DA)-Regional Field Office I, Philippines Rice Research Institute, and International Rice Research Institute. The funding agency is DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research.

The cooperator at the barangay level is Brgy. Ligue Farmers’ Association President Sonny Enriquez.

The project duration is from March 2017 to February 2020.
